Purple Plush Crochet Dragon Free PDF Pattern

Free Crochet Dragon Pattern-2

I am with you with an incredibly beautiful amigurumi pattern. The free crochet dragon pattern is here as a pdf. Follow the instructions step by step and complete this wonderful amigurumi toy. If there are parts you have difficulty with, I will leave our designer’s YouTube link below, where he explains step by step how to make a crocheted dinosaur. You use two colors of plush yarn when crocheting the dragon. A 16 mm safety eye and a 4 mm crochet hook will do the trick. Complete this cute plush crochet dragon amigurumi that your kids will love now by following the instructions below and give them a nice surprise this Christmas Eve.

Free Crochet Dragon Pattern

Instagram: rosalie_toys
Youtube: @rosalie_toys


Plush yarn (main,secondary)
16 mm safety eyes
4 mm crochet hook
A yarn needle
Stitch marker


Mr- Magic ring
Ch- Chain
Slst- Slip stitch
Sc- Single crochet
Dec- Decrease
Inc- Increase
BLO- Back loop only
FLO- Front loop only
Hdc- Half double crochet
Dc- Double crochet
Bbl- Bobble stitch (2 double crochet bbl st)
CC- Colour change

Legs (X2)

Rnd 1. 4 ch st, from the 2nd ch from hook: 2sc, 3 sc in one st, 2 sc (continue crochet the 2nd side of chain), inc
Rnd 2. inc, 2sc, 3inc, 2sc, inc (14)
Rnd 3. inc, 5sc, inc, 7sc (16)
Rnd 4. 6 sc [**CC in last st], (bbl st,[*CC],1sc)*3, 4 sc (16)
Rnd 5. 16 sc
Rnd 6. 5sc, 4dec, 3 sc (12)
Rnd 7. inc, 2sc, 3 dec, 3 sc (10) – starting to stuff.
Rnd 8. 5sc, 2 inc, 3 sc (12)
Rnd 9. inc, 7sc, inc, 3sc (14)
Rnd 10. (2sc,inc)*4, 2 sc (18)
[I’ll offset the stitch before starting the next row]
Rnd 11. 6 sc, inc, 8 sc, inc, 2 sc (20)
Rnd 12. 20 sc around, beginning to stuff.
Rnd 13. (3sc,dec)*4 (16)
Rnd 14. dec, 6 sc, dec, 6 sc (14)
Rnd 15. dec, 6 sc, dec, 4 sc (12)
1 sc and fold in half and crochet 5 sc through both sides.

Arms (X2)

Rnd 1. 7 sc in a MR
Rnd 2. inc (14)
Rnd 3. 4 sc [*CC in last st], (bbl st, [*CC], 1sc)*3, 4 sc (14)
Rnd 4. 14 sc around
Rnd 5. 3 sc, 4 dec, 3 sc (10)
Rnd 6. 10 sc around
Rnd 7. 5 sc, inc, 4 sc (11), starting to stuff.
Rnd 8-11. 11 sc (4 row)
Rnd 12. 6 sc, dec, 3 sc (10)
Beginning to stuff.
1 sc and fold in half and crochet 5 sc through both sides.


Rnd 1. 6 sc in a MR
Rnd 2. 6 sc around
Rnd 3. (1sc,inc)*3 (9)
Rnd 4-5. 9 sc around (9) (2 rows)
Rnd 6. inc, 4 sc, inc, 3 sc (11)
Rnd 7. 11 sc around
I’ll offset the stitch before starting the next row.
Rnd 8. inc, 4 sc, inc, 5 sc (13)
Rnd 9. 13 sc around
Rnd 10. inc, 12 sc (14)
Rnd 11. 14 sc around
Rnd 12. (inc,6sc)*2 (16)
Rnd 13-18. 16 sc around (6 rows)
*9 sc
Cut the yarn.
Start stuffing the tail after the 14th row.

Body and head

Rnd 1. 6 sc in a MR
Rnd 2. 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3. (1sc,inc)*6 (18)
Rnd 4. (2sc,inc)*6 (24)
Rnd 5. (3sc,inc)*6 (30)
Rnd 6. 1 sc, inc, (4sc,inc)*5, 3 sc (36)
Rnd 7. 6 sc, 5 sc tog with leg, 14 sc, 5 sc tog with leg, 2 sc, 4 sc tog with tail (36)
Rnd 8. 4 sc tog with tail, 4 sc, inc, 18 sc, inc, 4 sc, 4 sc on the tail (38)
Rnd 9. 4 sc on te tail, 34 sc (38), stuff the tail.
Rnd 10-12. 38 sc around (3 rows)
Rnd 13. 9 sc, dec, 17 sc, dec, 8 sc (36)
Rnd 14. (4sc,dec)*6 (30)
Rnd 15. (3sc,dec)*6 (24), starting to stuff.
Rnd 16. 24 sc around.
Rnd 17. 6 sc, 5 sc tog with arm, 7 sc, 5 sc tog with arm, 1 sc (24)
Rnd 18. (2sc,dec)*6 (18)
Rnd 19. 18 inc
Rnd 20. (5sc,inc)*6 (42)
I’ll offset the stitch before starting the next row.
The start of the row must be exactly in the middle (I’m doing 5 sc)
R21. 17 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 16 sc (44)
Rnd 22-24. 44 sc around (3 rows)
Rnd 25. 10 sc (1sc,dec)*8, 10 sc (36)
Rnd 26-28. 36 sc around (3 rows)
Add eyes between round 26 and 27 rounds, about 6 stitches apart.
Rnd 29. (4sc,dec)*6 (30)
Rnd 30. (3sc,dec)*6 (24)
Rnd 31. (2sc,dec)*6 (18)
Rnd 32. (1sc,dec)*6 (12)
Rnd 33. 6 dec
Finish stuffing, cut the yarn, close the hole.


Rnd 1. 4 sc in a MR
Cut the yarn leaving a tail.

Horns (X2)

Rnd 1. 4 sc in a MR
Rnd 2. (1sc,inc)*2 (6)
Rnd 3. 6 sc
Rnd 4. 1 sc, 3 slst, 1 sc, inc (7)
Rnd 5. 5 sc ,inc, 1 sc, slst
Cut the yarn, leaving a tail for sewing.

Wings (X2)

Rnd 1. 15 ch st, from the 2nd ch from hook: 14 sc ch, turn.
Rnd 2. 12 sc (BLO), ch, turn
Rnd 3. 12 sc (BLO), ch, turn
Rnd 4. 9 sc (BLO), ch, turn
Rnd 5. 9 sc (BLO), ch, turn
Rnd 6. 6 sc (BLO), ch, turn
Rnd 7. 6 sc (BLO)
Cut the yarn, leaving a tail for sewing.

If you have difficulty in the assembly and embroidery process, you can do it by watching the designer’s YouTube video.



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